
chaos - content - coffee

Musician, Magician, Barista, Queer, Person with too many interests. Really loves doing new things.
This time he wanted to try creating online content.
But he couldn’t decide on one type, so he came up with this whole shtick.




queer - art - sociology

A queer, who makes weird art and drinks good wine. More nerd than geek. Has the time management skills of an infant and the online presence of a pensioner. Likes to talk shit (and is good at it, too). Working on their bachelor’s degree in the subjects political/social sciences & philosophy. The question “Tea or coffee?” constructs a false binary.


Rita Nóbrega Gomes

Rita Nóbrega Gomes

rants - rage - revolution

Has too many opinions about too many things and is extremely inept at keeping them to herself. Certified geek with an ADHD brain, she codes and handles people for a living. Feminist, queer, cat mother, podcaster, how much more of a millennial could she be?
